Bowling League Rules

Games to be played under the Lancashire County Amateur Bowling Association Rules.

Eight players to form a team.
Visitors block and first throw.
Standard jacks to be used.

The League will be known as the Hindley and District Men’s Bowling League.

Ten minutes practice allowed before match for away team.
Home players to vacate the green fifteen minutes before the commencement of the match, during this time the away players are to have sole use of the green for practice. The away team captain to be allowed to practice with the home team.

All players/bowlers must be registered to play in the Hindley and District Men’s Bowling League and all official registration forms must be handed to the League secretary by the May committee meeting. Additional registrations will be allowed up to 30 June.

Not more than four games to be in progress unless agreed by the captains.

Matches played in APRIL and matches played from the THIRD Monday in AUGUST must commence no later than 6-30pm. The remainder of matches must commence no later than 7pm.

Protests, in writing, should reach the Secretary within seven days of the event.

Games to be 21 up.
Aggregate scores to count.
3 points for an away win.
2 points for a home win.
In case of a tie 2 points to away team and 1 point to the home team.
Winner of each game scores 1 bonus point.
This is to apply to League matches only.

If two or more teams be equal on points at the end of the season, the Championship, Promotion and Relegation issues to be decided on matches won, drawn or lost. Aggregate scores only to be considered if there is a tie in the above.

In the Team Knock-Out competitions, 4 home and 4 away, and also in the final, in the case of a tie the following order of elimination shall apply. Tie on aggregate score: team with most winners. If still a tie: team with best winner. If still a tie: the 2nd, 3rd, 4th best winner.

Once the semi-final draw has taken place or/and the venue for the final tie has been arranged no player from either of the teams involved shall go and practice on the selected green. Any player found to have practiced prior to the final being played, that player shall be ineligible for selection.
The only exception is when a team has a pre-arranged fixture on the selected green. The teams playing in the finals shall be allowed 15 minutes practice each before the matches commence.

The subscription shall be resolved at the A.G.M. each year.

The names of players shall be drawn before each match at 7pm, the draw to be made for the first four games from the players present, after which the next four pairs to be drawn in the normal manner. Games to be played as drawn. Home team representative must draw the visiting team players and vice versa. No player whose name is removed from the list shall take part in the match.

Competitions shall be governed by an Executive Committee consisting of the Officers: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer and the Secretary, together with ONE representative from each division.

The captains shall be responsible for the conduct of the matches on their greens.

If a club plays an ineligible player or players they will be fined £5 for each player and the match points to be awarded to the opponents.

If a player is not ready by the end of the fourth game, reserve must be played or the points go to his opponent. If a player is absent, club counts win 21-0.

Matches cannot be postponed except through inclement weather conditions. Such matches must be played at the earliest date agreeable to both teams. During a match if the playing conditions become very wet, and the green begins to flood, the Home team captain in consultation with the Away team captain shall decide when the green becomes unfit to proceed. Once that decision is reached all players MUST vacate the green on the completion of the playing end. If the captains cannot agree the Home team captain shall decide. If the GREENKEEPER is present then the GREENKEEPER has overall control and his decision is final.
In addition, any matches postponed for other reasons will be subject to the Sub-Committee convening to decide if the match was postponed for a reasonable matter. If they decide it was not reasonable they have the authority to fine the club(s) &/or deduct points as a consequence.

Match results must reach League secretary by Thursday after each game. In the event of a cancellation the League secretary must be informed within 48 hours, and if possible a rearranged date given.

Any club that misses a League meeting, that club shall be fined £3. Any club not attending the League’s A.G.M. that club shall be fined £5.

League committee shall have jurisdiction upon all matters not provided for in these rules and may adapt bye-laws as may be deemed advisable.

The League shall be of FOUR divisions each of TWELVE teams (Maximum).

All teams playing in the Hindley and District Men’s Bowling League must be affiliated to their appropriate County Association.

Any team not being represented at the League’s Annual Presentation night will forfeit 50% of any monies due to them. The money returning to League funds.

The League cups and trophies are the property of the Hindley and District Men’s Bowling League and cannot, under any circumstances, be won outright by any club or individual. Certain cups shall be insured and the premiums paid by the League. All winners, either team or individual, shall take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of the trophies whilst in their possession.

Dissolution Rule – If the Hindley and District Men’s Bowling League should ever cease to function or operate as a Bowling League and the League Committee agrees to dissolve the Association then an Extraordinary General Meeting must be convened within 21 days.
It must be agreed by a majority vote of those present what happens to the League’s assets, after all outstanding bills, debts and liabilities, have been paid.
ie: whether it goes to;
The remaining clubs in equal amounts.
The affiliated County Association, or both, or
A Charitable Institution(s).